Meet Larry Fleming

Larry Fleming
Larry Fleming, is an architect licensed in the District of Columbia. In 1978, Larry joined USDA’s Farmers Home Administration as an Assistant State Architect in their Illinois State Office. His two years there were spent predominantly in the housing arena – both SFH and MFH. His USDA career continued with four years in the Alabama State Office as State Architect, involved in housing, community facilities, and rural business projects. A transfer and promotion to the National Office led to Larry becoming a Senior Architect. His work at the USDA’s Rural Development National Office involved problem solving design and construction issues, review, and approval of AIA American Institute of Architects) and other construction contracts, construction management & design/build projects, training Agency State Architects and field staff, and acting as a liaison between the Agency / Department and national organizations involved in the building industry, including the AIA, ANSI (American National Standards Institute), ICC International Code Council), the U.S. Access Board, NAHB (National Association of Home Builders), BOMA (Building Owners and Managers Association), DBIA (Design-Build Institute of America), and others. During his tenure, Larry also served on a number of national task forces including Critical Access Hospital Design and Management in Rural Areas (HHS), Accessibility for Single Family Homes (ANSI), Multi-Family Housing Design and Management Issues (HUD & USDA), Green Capital Needs Assessments (HUD & USDA), Comprehensive Property Assessments (USDA), Farm Labor Housing Design Issues (USDA), and Use of Computers for Agency Architects (USDA).
Accessibility for the disabled became his predominant area of expertise, and Larry served as one of only three Federal government representatives to the ANSI A-117 Committee, which writes the accessibility portion of the building codes used in the U.S. Larry served over 15 years on the American National Standard Institute’s (ANSI) A-117 Committee, writing the accessibility code for ICC’s International Building Code.
Larry retired from USDA Rural Development in September 2009, with over 32 years of Federal service. In January of 2011, Larry joined E&A Team as an Accessibility Specialist, Blueprint Review Specialist, and Instructor for Section 504, ADA and Fair Housing Accessibility.
Larry is also a co- author of the Fair Housing Act Design Manual eBook.
To request Larry Fleming as a trainer, speaker, or panelist for your company or organization, please email Helpdesk@EandATeam.com with your request.

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