Exciting HCCP News!

E&A Team is excited to announce that the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) has made the Housing Compliance Certified Professional (HCCP) Exam available ONLINE.
E&A Team is proud to be a distributor for this online proctored exam, and we know that a lot of our trainees have been waiting for this opportunity to take the online version of the exam.
We have two upcoming “Everything & Anything LIHTC” Training Sessions with our awesome Housing Compliance Trainers, Gary Kirkman and Tari Bradley, that will fully prepare you for this exam:
March 23-25 taught by Gary Kirkman with an optional Review Session from 8-10 CT the morning of March 26!
April 6-8 taught by Tari Bradley with an optional Review Session from 10 a.m. – Noon CT the morning of April 9!
We are always adding additional training sessions, so be sure to check our Open Enrollment Event Calendar!
For those who have already completed their training, you can begin your journey toward your HCCP designation by signing up for E&A Team to be your distributor for the Online Proctored HCCP Exam. The cost is $204 and upon signing up, we will send you the link and the access code you will need to schedule your exam!