Employee Spotlight: Josh Brown

We would like to wish a very Happy Birthday to one of our employees, Josh Brown!
This blog post spotlights Josh and lets you learn more fun facts about our Director of Strategic Initiatives.
1. How long have you been with E&A Team, and what do you do here?
I have been with E&A Team now just over a month. I am leading the LA Project where we will be performing remote file reviews as part of an audit of the city’s accessible housing program. I am also working on building on that to expand our compliance monitoring and file review services to management companies, housing finance agencies, and other entities across the country.
2. What is your favorite thing about working for E&A Team?
Everyone I have met is a driven and dedicated professional and capable of moving quickly and working together to achieve a collective objective. I enjoy having the opportunity to work with self-motivated coworkers with initiative and a high-level of knowledge about the areas we do work in.
3. What is something that most people don’t know about you?
I started my career at Ticketmaster as a fraud investigator and worked on some interesting cases including a case stemming from Russia where stolen credit cards were used to buy Barbara Streisand tickets which were then resold so the perpetrators could pocket the cash.
4. What are some of your favorite things?
I enjoy building things and tinkering on machines. I am currently refurbishing a 1968 Case bulldozer that belonged to my grandfather.
5. What would your perfect day off include?
Probably a day golfing with some buddies or working on a project vehicle or building something.